Design Review Board


The Beresford Hall Board of Governors (BOG) has established the Beresford Hall Design Review Board (DRB) pursuant the Beresford Hall Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions. The DRB’s primary function and purpose is to oversee and enforce the community design standards as outlined in the BHA Declaration of Covenants and the Design Guidelines document which has been created, approved and adopted by the BoG.


Positions taken by the DRB can be subjective and based on purely aesthetic considerations, but the DRB will base its actions on criteria published in the Covenants and Design Guidelines.


The Beresford Hall DRB meets monthly normally on the third Wednesday of each month at the The Ruins.


Submissions for approval must be submitted to the community manager’s office (Sentry) by close of business the Wednesday PRIOR to the meeting. In order to be added to the agenda submissions must be complete.


For a detailed list of items required for submissions, please refer to the Design Guidelines located in the Governing Documents section of this website. Any questions can be directed to Sentry Management at their offices.


Sentry Management : 843-795-0190